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The Dance Gallery Studio of Dance

Policies and Information

Tuition is due and payable on the first of each month. If paid after the 15th, a $10 late fee will be added. Tuition is a flat rate whether a month is 3 weeks, 4 weeks or 5 weeks. Tuition is only pro-rated when you register during the middle of the month. When 5 weeks occur, the extra lessons balance out the "holiday months" when students receive fewer lessons. Tuition is non-refundable for any reason other than cancellations by the owners. Students are expected to attend all classes in which they have registered and will be billed accordingly. Missed classes may be made up within one month in an age appropriate class.

* We accept credit/debit cards at the front desk.

*Payments can be made on line through your >Customer Portal< located on Home Page

*Transaction fees will be eliminated if paid by check or cash!

* Make all checks out to The Dance Gallery. There is a $15 returned check fee per check.


Cost of Classes

One Month/One Dancer/One Class  $60

One Month/Two Dancers/Two Classes  $105

One Month/Three Dancers/Three Classes  $150

One Month/Unlimited Classes $175


Competition Team Class Prices are located at front desk of the studio. 

Please do not give payments to the instructors or assistants. Make all payments by placing cash or check in an envelope (with dancer's name on it) in the mailbox beside the office door or pay online. (transaction fee will be added as listed above)


The Dance Gallery does not carry medical insurance for its students. It is required that all students be covered by their own family insurance policies and if injury occurs it is understood that the students own policy is your only reimbursement. Parents need to fill out a medical permission form in case of an emergency.

Required Dress Code

Dance wear is required for all classes. Students must wear comfortable, form fitting dance attire to display proper body alignment and allow for easy movement. For all classes hair must be pulled back away from the face (preferrably up in a bun). No watches, jewelry, or apple watches in class.

All Ballet Classes

Pink leotard, pink tights and pink ballet shoes.(older students may wear black leotard)

All ballet students must have their hair in a bun. 

Hip Hop Classes

Black tank top or fitted tee with black shorts, capris or pants & tennis shoes.

Hair in ponytail.


Black leotard,black tank or fitted tee, black jazz pants, shorts or capris, tights & appropriate shoes.

Hair in bun (preferred) or ponytail.


Black leotard or tank top, Black skirt, shorts or capris tan tights & tap shoes.

Hair in bun or ponytail.


Black leotard, black skirt, tan tights (footed or convertible), foot undies, turners or jazz booties.

Hair in bun or pulled out of face.

Musical Theater

Black leotard or tank top, black jazz pants & jazz shoes.

Hair in bun or ponytail. 

****1. All dance shoes must be worn at all times in class.

2. No outside shoes on dance floor.

3. Shoes must have clean soles.

4. Flip-flops are not allowed in class. They are not dance shoes

5. Place personal items in provided cubby holes

6. The studio is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 


Good attendance is imperative, as absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class especially when learning choreography for the recital. Dance is a commitment. We ask that all students be consistent in their attendance. To insure that your child is progressing in their dance technique to the best of their ability attendance is a must. Teachers will keep attendance for each class.

*****There will be NO adjustments to monthly tuition due to absences. Students will be allowed to do makeups but their current teacher must be notified first. Students can only do makeups in classes at their age and dance level.

Class Expectations of Students

Students must be on time for all classes. Please try to arrive 5 minutes before class so students have to time to change their shoes. Students must be well behaved in class. Bullying will NOT be tolerated! Foul language will not be tolerated as well as rude comments. Students will not push and pull on each other. Teachers and students will be treated with respect. No chewing gum, hard candy or food is allowed in the studio. Students may bring water bottles as long as they have a secure lid. No soda! Running in the studio by the students or younger siblings will not be tolerated.


*Christmas Showcase 

*Spring Recital – Our big, year end event to showcase students and all that they have learned through out the year. Each class will perform 2 dances as well as being in the finale.

Spring Recital

At the end of the year we have our annual spring recital. This is a culminating event to showcase all of our students and what they have learned throughout the year. Students must have a costume in order to participate. Costume deposits will be due in the fall or can be paid monthly. This is to ensure your child a costume . This deposit is non-refundable. The remaining balance will be due the first of December. If this balance is not paid your child's costume will be cancelled. After placing costume orders, it takes approximately 14-16 weeks for them to arrive. Participating in recital is optional.

*Parents are responsible for all costume alterations and cost of alterations.

*Parents are not allowed backstage at recital. This is for your safety and your child's safety.

Class Cancellations

The studio will not necessarily close for snow days, regardless if area schools are cancelled. If in doubt, call 639-3269 after 1 p.m. on the given day for a recorded message. You can also find out if we are open due to bad weather on WYMT’s SnowGo, by email or on our Facebook page. If a teacher cancels class due to illness or an emergency we will do our best to call and inform you of a canceled class as soon as possible. We will also make-up any missed classes due to weather or illness on our part.

Questions & Concerns

If at anytime you have questions regarding any of our teacher’s methods please arrange an appointment at the front desk located in the studio store. Meetings outside of class can be scheduled. We feel it would be best if you came directly to us with questions and concerns. We can then handle the situation in a calm and professional manner. We ask that all parents wait in our lobby during your child's class.

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